Thursday, May 14, 2009

the journey

Somewhere a whistle blew.
And i looked up and there she was,
she got down,looked lost,i pointed her her feet and she smiled and told me "thank you for finding me my pair".

when she came back,the fruits had waged a war,on the front-lines were the bananas,yellow and plump,with the ripe oranges and the mighty green grapes backing them fielding dirty napkins as weapons.
we dodged them,told them to come back some other time.
we were pretty stuffed that day.

we got down to our business,she read poetry and i went in search of the fountainhead.
we slept and dreamt of various things,of things to do and things to be undone
somewhere a whistle blew.

people started singing songs and reminiscing quotes long forgotten,giving out much discarded wisdom long Un-learnt.
knowledge is power and at very cheap prices too.
we ate the food which could have been edible and wished we could have talked a little more.
somewhere a whistle blew

lights were called out,
the night turned chilly and the cold sent out for blanket and the blankets called out for the distant bodies to huddle up.and huddle they did.
fingers entwined,emotions exchanged,muted sounds shouted in the chaos of the still silent night.sweet hard sweat traded.pent up emotions released.pleasure seek ed and obtained.

while the crowd slept and the game was played the world went about in its trajectory.
dawn came,his majesty,the sun came out in his pristine glory,to reveal simplicity among the blinding complexities of the night.

we exchanged glances parted our hello's
she got up and i got down,
somewhere a whistle blew